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Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity

The BSc in Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity offers prospective students the opportunity to study health, adapted physical activity (APA), adapted physical education (APE) and sport in a degree programme which focuses particularly on the provision of opportunities for people with disabilities, as well as for the population in general.

Unique modules in this course include: Inclusive Aquatics, where students gain the knowledge skills and qualifications as a disability swim teacher assistant and use of the Halliwick concept to teach swimmers with a range of abilities how to swim and move independently in the water; Inclusive Physical Education, where strategies for inclusion are explored and put into practice in practical sessions which focus on individual education planning and DanceAbility which introduces students to dance, rhythm and percussion as tools through which individuals of all abilities can develop emotionally, socially, culturally and physically.

In recent years, government sport and health policy has focused on increasing choice and opportunities for adults and children with disabilities to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. This course aims to develop the professional skills to achieve this change.

This degree programme provides students with a specialist skill set which includes, comprehensive knowledge, skills and competencies to operate as APA practitioners, aquatic and outdoor instructors, personal trainers, development officers in the disability sector and beyond.

MTU is recognised internationally as one of the more significant academic centres in the world for inclusion education and Adapted Physical Activity.

This degree programme provides students with a range of skills to work in the sports, exercise and fitness sector as well as additional knowledge, skills and competencies to operate as

  • Sports and fitness instructors in the disability sector
  • Personal trainers with additional skills for inclusion and adaptation for people with disabilities
  • Physiotherapist or occupational therapist assistants

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