A Healthy Lifestyle
A study (Lifestyle and Health Needs Analysis for Medical Commencement Programme 2013) by students from the Department of Health and Leisure Studies in IT Tralee shows International students should ensure that their diet, level of daily exercise and daily routine helps them to stay healthy during their studies.
The recommended amount of physical activity is 30 minutes of continuous exercise (e.g. walk, cycle, swim) per day. This amount of exercise will give you more energy, help you relax and help you get a good night’s sleep. Ask in the International Office for information on the Institute sports clubs, Institute gym local sports centres and other ways to stay fit.
Having breakfast before you leave your accommodation in the morning, a lunch in the middle of the day and an evening meal will help you stay healthy and mentally alert during your studies. Fresh foods, especially fruit, vegetables and Halal meats are readily available in stores in Tralee..
A healthy snack, such as a piece of fruit, during the day also helps to maintain energy levels. Did you know that the recommended intake of fruit or vegetables is five pieces each day?
Take care not to drink too many caffeine-containing drinks during the day, because we have found that they can lead to anxiety, stomach upset, poor concentration, poor sleeping habits and de-motivation. Limit your intake of sugary drinks, sweets and fast-food; fresh food is much better for you.
More information on healthy diet and lifestyle may be found on
Safefood website
World health Organisation Website